EBC – Term of Instruction: Summer School
Term of Instruction: Summer School
Courses Begun and Completed In Summer School—
Students shall be awarded credit for courses begun and successfully completed during the summer session, in accordance with the following provisions:
- The program shall meet the same standards as those in effect during the regular school year.
- The program shall be administered by a specifically assigned staff member with an appropriate administrative endorsement. The administrator shall have the authority and time during the regular school year to plan and organize the summer school program.
- Libraries and other necessary instructional resources shall be available on the same basis as during the regular term.
- Courses offered shall include all state-required, essential elements specified for the course, and student progress shall be evaluated according to the same achievement standards used during the regular term.
- One unit of credit shall meet the prescribed time allocations.
- No teacher shall be assigned more than six hours of classroom teaching per day.
Regular Term Courses Completed In Summer School—
Students shall be provided an opportunity to complete subjects or courses begun, but not successfully completed, during the regular school term. Such courses shall include all state-required, essential elements specified for the course. Essential elements satisfactorily mastered during the regular term need not be repeated in the summer session. Student progress shall be evaluated according to the same achievement standards used during the regular term.