Mission and Vision
Student Development Framework
Priority 1: Character Education
Priority 2: Foundation Coursework
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Character Education
e.g., Behavior Intervention Systems, Social and Emotional Learning, Digital Citizenship, Resiliency
Foundation Coursework
Math, Science, English, Civics
Pathway to Excellence
Helping students learn how to excel at something. e.g., Applied Sciences, Extracurriculars, Career Pathways
Computer Science
21st Century Workforce Skills

The purpose of an education is to open doors, create opportunities, change perceptions, improve lives, break down barriers, and instill courage to meet the challenges of life; and the role of Garfield County School District is to enlighten, enable, encourage, and facilitate that process.
Teacher Improvement Framework
Priority 1: Safe and Collaborative Culture
Priority 4: Standards Referenced Reporting
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Safe Collaborative Culture
"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." - Helen Keller
Excellent Teaching
"The influence of a good teacher can never be erased." - unknown
Viable Curriculum
"It is the number one factor affecting student achievement" - Marzano
Standards Referenced Reporting
"You can't imagine what you don't measure" - W Edwards Deming
Competency Based Grading
"Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of intelligent effort" - John Ruskin
Resources for School Teams
Safe and Collaborative Culture
- The Faculty and Staff perceive the school environment as safe, supportive, and orderly
- Students, Parents, and community also perceive the school environment as safe, supportive, and orderly
- Teachers have formal roles in the decision-making process regarding school initiatives
- Collaborative teams regularly interact to address common issues regarding curriculum, assessment, instruction, and the achievement of all students.
- Teachers and staff have formal ways to provide input regarding the optimal functioning of the school
- Student, parents, and the community have formal ways to provide input regarding the optimal functioning of the school
- The school acknowledges the success of the whole school as well as individuals within the school
- The school manages its fiscal, operation, and technological resources in a way that directly supports teachers.