EHAA Graduation: Graduation Attire

Revised September 2023


  1. “Adornment” means something that a student attaches to or wears with, but does not replace, graduation attire.
  2. “Cultural” means recognized practices and traditions of a certain group of people.
  3. “Graduation ceremony” means a high school graduation ceremony.
  4. “Graduation attire” means the attire that is required to be worn by students at a graduation ceremony, according to the dress code established by the District and an individual high school.
  5. “Tribe” means a tribe, band, nation, or Alaskan Native village that is recognized by federal law or formally acknowledged by a state.
  6. “Tribal regalia” means a tribe’s traditional dress or recognized objects of religious or cultural significance, including tribal symbols, beads, and feathers.
  7. “Qualifying student” means a student who is enrolled as a member of a tribe or eligible to be so enrolled.

Utah Code § 53G-4-412(1) (2022)

Utah Code § 53G-4-414 (1) (2023)

General Graduation Attire—

Except as provided below, graduating students shall comply with the graduation attire and other dress code requirements of the student’s high school and the District.

Qualifying Students May Wear Tribal Regalia—

Any qualifying student may wear tribal regalia during a graduation ceremony, including decorating the student’s other graduation attire with tribal regalia, notwithstanding any provision or policy of the high school conducting the ceremony or any other dress code policy.

Utah Code § 53G-4-412(2), (3) (2022)

Religious or Cultural Attire—

A student may wear recognized items of cultural or religious significance as an adornment at a graduation ceremony subject to the following. The District or a school may prohibit a student from wearing an item of adornment that is likely to cause a substantial disruption of or material interference with the graduation ceremony. Any such prohibition shall be by the least restrictive means necessary to accomplish a specifically identified compelling governmental interest.

Utah Code § 53G-4-414(2), (3), (4) (2023)