LOC CBA – Surplus Policy
Board Approved January 2024
Definition of Surplus Property: Surplus property refers to any assets, materials, or equipment that are
no longer needed or deemed excess by any school within Garfield County School District.
Surplus Process:
- Identification: Each school and location will regularly assess their inventory to identify items that
qualify as surplus. - Intra-District Transfer: The school will compile a list of surplus items and email it to all other locations’ principals, secretaries, the District purchasing officer, and the business administrator, seeking interest in the items. A 72-business-hour waiting period will be observed to allow for responses. If another location is able to utilize the items, the school principal disposing of the property shall notify the purchasing officer of the transfer to make the necessary inventory adjustments in the records.
- Notice and Advertisement:
A listing of surplus items will be published in the newspaper at least 7 days prior to the closing date of the auction. Items will be listed on the Public Surplus auction website. The Purchasing Officer and the Business Administrator will determine the most advantageous listing method, reserve price(s), or other details to achieve maximum selling price on the items. - Auction Pricing and Listining:
Personnel responsible for listing the surplus property should establish the value of items by obtaining 3 competitive quotes from other listings of similar items in similar condition and taking the average of the three. Or, by reviewing similar items on the public surplus website and their bid/selling amounts at closing.
If there’s insufficient information to establish a value the purchasing officer shall
establish its value by estimating its value. The purchasing officer shall document how
they established the value (conversations with personnel, percentage of original price,
For the initial listing on the Public Surplus site, a reserve price should be established at
no less than 90% of the established value for items whose estimated value is greater
than $5,000. There will be no reserve price for items valued at less than $5,000.
The initial listing should not be for less than a period of 14 calendar days.
If an item valued at $5,000 or more does not sell after the initial listing, then the listings hould be extended another 14 days without a reserve price.
If an item value at less than $5,000 does not sell after the initial listing it will go for final disposal (below).
If, after the initial listing fails to sell the item, the Business Administrator may approve an alternative means of disposing of the item by documenting the reasons for the departure and the record shall be kept on file with the purchasing officer. - Final Disposal
If an item does not sell after the listing period(s) described above the Business Administrator will first offer the items to other local governments in the area on a firstcome, first-serve basis. If no governmental units need the items, the items will then be made available to employees through a raffle drawing of interested employees. If the item is still not disposed of then the item will be made available to the public on a firstcome, first-serve basis. Finally, the item will be hauled to the nearest landfill if it’s not disposed of.
Note: All items disposed of or sold must be reported to the purchasing officer in order to maintain records of inventory.