Electronic Devices

I would like to inform the employees, parents and students of proposed changes in Garfield School District policies on electronic devices such as cell phones, smart phones, computers, or any type of communication device.  Currently we have two conflicting policies in our District related to Acceptable Use of these devices.  The USBA (Utah State School Board Association) policy states, ‘it is appropriate for students and teachers to possess and use these devices as long as they do not interfere with the learning with the learning environment.’  The Garfield School District has a local policy restricting the possession of these electronic devices for students and teachers during the school day or school events such as dances etc.

I started working on this policy by sending an email to all teachers in the District asking for their opinion on the issue.  I received over thirty responses from teachers and administrators in the District.  I personally read each response from the employees and proceeded to work on correcting the discrepancy on the two policies.  The new proposed Garfield District Policy will be presented to the School Board on October 27th for their review.  The new policy will allow students and teachers to possess electronic devices on school property.  Under this policy, students would be allowed to use their wireless communication devices before school, during their designated lunchtime and after school.  Students would not be allowed to use the devices in class if they disrupt from the learning environment.  If you would like to read the proposed policy in its entirety it is available on the District web page. www.garfield.k12.ut.us

It is interesting to note we have over 100 guest connections available at our schools.  On any given day, every guest account will be tied up with an electronic device connecting to our network which means students are carrying the devices and connecting to our networks even if they are not supposed to possess them.  It is my intention to educate the students on the appropriate use of these electronic devices.  The devices are part of their lives and will be for years to come so it is very important to help students become responsible for their actions in using the electronic devices.

“If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow.”

–Superintendent Ben Dalton

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