Doing More with Less

As the District is working to prepare the new budget for fiscal year 2014, I think it is important for us to be accountable to the tax payers and report where those tax revenues are spent.  In the 2011 tax year, there were 27 school districts in the State of Utah that had tax levies higher than Garfield County.  There were 14 districts that were lower than Garfield County.  In fiscal year 2012, the expenditures per pupil for the fall enrollment was $10,149.  What this means is that the District spent $10,149 on each student in the District in one year.  This is an average across the District that includes transportation, food service, teachers, and all expenses.  Only 10 districts in the State of Utah spent more money per student with 30 districts spending less.

Because of financial restraints in 2011, the District had to reduce personnel and incorporate staffing changes to balance the budget.  As a result of these changes, Garfield School District has experienced a 7.10% decrease in per pupil spending from school year 2011 to 2012.  With the 7.10% decrease, Garfield School District had the largest decrease in expenditures in one year in the State of Utah.  The next closest district to experience such a large financial cut was Logan School District with a cut of 6.15%.  Logan School District has also been experiencing financial difficulty.

What this means to the tax payers is that we are doing more with less money.  The District has brought staffing ratios and program expenditures in line with the revenue resources available from the tax payer.

–Superintendent Ben Dalton

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