Pool Continued – Ednet

Pool Continued—ED NET
I would like to address a few issues relating to the October School Board meeting.  You can see a draft version of the October Board minutes on our District web page at the following address:  http://www.garfield.k12.ut.us On the District web page select the School Board tab then select School Board Draft Minutes.  Also available on our District web page is the slide presentation on the proposed bids to replace the heating system in the gym, high school and pool.  The presentation also discusses the results of the online pool survey.
In the Board meeting there was a motion to accept Crofts HVAC bid for the high school and gym area only. The pool would be left out. This motion was seconded and passed 4-0, with one abstention.
Also, a motion to have the District get out of the pool business by the end of the year and to organize a committee to work with the City to transition out of the business was made.  The motion was seconded with the understanding that it is a deadline to have a plan in place, but that would not stop us from working on that goal after the deadline.  The motion passed 3-2.  So, information stating the School Board made a motion to turn the pool back to the City is incorrect.
I have addressed the recreational tax levy in the past but it continues to come up as a proposed solution to many of our financial problems.   The recreation tax money is not an endless pot of money to solve the District problems, the fact is “last year the Garfield School District received approximately $118,000 from the recreational tax levy.  In years past, some of this money was divided up in the three main communities to be spent on recreational improvements.  Last year the majority of the money was spent to pay approximately $80,000 in coaching stipends in the District, so you can see this does not leave much wiggle room for recreational funding to solve the problems with financing the pool.”
I would like to change topics from the pool to EDNET classes in our District.  I would like to thank the PanguitchEducation Foundation for paying for expenses students would acquire in the EDNET classes.  They have offered to pay for Panguitch students’ class expenses and book costs for the next trimester.  We are anticipating 14 students to take EDNET classes at Panguitch High School in the next trimester which will start November 21st.  We currently have 13 students taking EDNET in Bryce Valley High School and 3 students at Escalante High School.  If any adult in the community would like to take any college continuing education classes in Panguitch, please contact Jenni Fisher at PHS for more information.
Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity.  ~Aristotle
— Superintendent Ben Dalton

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