
Originally Posted Sep 08 2011
Garfield County School District News


I would like focus on a few items of interest in the Garfield County School District. First would be the internal transfers of employees and staff within the District. I am attempting to solve some of the financial issues in the District with attrition. When an employee leaves the District, I will look to transfer employees internally before the position is replaced by a new employee. Over the past four months, I have taken this approach on many vacancies in the District. I know these decisions may not be popular with some people, but please know they are necessary to turn the District in a financially stable direction. By transferring employees rather than rehiring the positions, the District has saved $338,890 since June 1st. If you would like to see the names and transfers associated with this dollar amount you are welcome to come into the District Office and I will be glad to show you the information.

In relationship to District transfers, we will be transferring Mrs. Annie Eldredge from the District Office to Bryce Valley Elementary as the secretary starting September 15th. She will maintain bus driver certifications and transportation related items in her new assignment. She will be replacing Mrs. Kathy Shakespeare in this position. Mrs. Shakespeare has announced her decision to retire. On behalf of Garfield County School District we would like to wish her the best with her retirement and thank her for
29 years of service to students, faculty and staff at Bryce Valley Elementary.

Second, at the last School Board meeting we held a truth and taxation hearing. I personally feel this tax increase was necessary in order to bring the finances of the District back in line. I recommended to the School Board to approve the tax increase based on the premise of making future cuts in the District to personnel and programs. The School Board approved the tax increase and I would personally like to thank them for their support and willingness to make difficult decisions for the benefit of the students in the District. With the tax increase, Garfield County School District should receive approximately
$300,000 dollars for this current school year.

Third, Parents please watch for information regarding student ID’s and passwords to come home with students. This information will allow parents to access grades, attendance, lunch balances and contact information. Go to the District web page click on the Parents and Students tab then select SIS Login. You will be able to access your student’s personal information. If you have trouble getting the information to work you can select “request a user name” link and view tutorials to access the information. You can also contact the District Office if you have questions.

“Insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results” – Albert Einstein

–Superintendent Ben Dalton

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