Public Survey

I would like to inform the public that we are in the process of collecting information from the citizens in the Garfield County on the start and end time for the upcoming school year.  We will also be asking for input on a four and half day or a full five day week.  If the District moves to a full five day week we could start at 8:00 am and dismiss at about 2:30 pm each day.  This would extend the instructional time on Friday and make it regular day.  If you choose to have a full five day week you will also have the option of a late start of 8:30 am and 3:00 pm dismissal.  If you prefer the traditional schedule we have been on with an early out Friday, you will also have this choice.  You can leave any comments or suggestions you would like the Board to consider in this process.  To voice your opinion on the start and end times and give your preference on a four and a half day or a five day week, please log onto the Garfield County School District web page at take the survey.  The results from the survey will be given to the School Board to make a decision in the July School Board meeting.  This process is being done to include the communities and allow a forum to express their opinions, so please take just a few minutes to complete the survey.

Superintendent Ben Dalton

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