Digital Citizenship

When we talk about citizenship, it seems there is a generational difference of meaning.  Today I would like to take a few minutes and discuss the new term known as Digital Citizenship.  A good definition of citizenship quickly tells us of a person that meansto conduct oneself in accordance with the rights, duties, and privileges of being an inhabitant of a geographical location.  In essence, living, and abiding by the rules and regulations of their home, city, county, state, and country.  Being a good citizen means you are a contributing member of society.

In recent news reports, we read of e-mails and hacked servers.  In history, we read of gangsters and bank robberies.  Both are crimes against society.  Today, so much has been replaced with the digital influence that almost all things that we touch relies or hints something of a digital nature.  As a result, our digital connection must be in compliance with rules, regulations, and expectations of this new society.  In schools, we teach students about a positive school culture that supports the safe and responsible use of technology. In addition, students can build skills around critical thinking, ethical discussion, and decision making.  This includes being a responsible member of the digital society.  We teach and expect compliance with acceptable use and also how to visit the internet safely.

At least yearly, all students are subject to a formal digital etiquette presentation.  At this time, students are given instructions on self-protection, their digital rights, and responsibilities, along with following rules and regulations concerning access to the schools digital curriculum.  With the majority of our educational content going digital, responsible students is our priority.  We welcome parents to help in their entrance to digital citizenship.

Tracy Davis, Superintendent

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